Tuesday 9 November 2010

Help! My company has blocked Facebook!

So you've just arrived at work and realised that your company have blocked access to Facebook. Never fear! There are ways you can work around it without anyone knowing.

My favourite method is Ninja Cloak. Ninja Cloak is a "free anonymous web based proxy service”. Basically, it allows you to “browse your favourite web sites anonymously and even from behind a firewall with blocked ports”. It's free and very, very cool. You just need to enter the website address in the bottom form, make sure you don't tick the box to block cookies and you should get instance access to Facebook (or any other blocked website for that matter).

Of course, the fact that your company have blocked access to Facebook is a clear message that they don't want you to use the website during paid time. Using Facebook during paid time could potentially be a breach of your contract so make so you use it at your own risk!

1 comment:

facebook blocked said...

Good thing that there are software's and proxies that we can use to access blocked sites. I don't know what to do without them.