Tuesday 6 January 2009

Personal Injury Compensation companies

Here's a dialogue of a conversation I had today with a compensation company online:

John Ryan:
Hi, I have been injured in an accident that wasn't my fault. Can you help?

Call accepted by operator Jane. Currently in room: John Ryan, Jane.
Hello, my name is Jane and i am a Legal Consultant at YouClaim. Yes that sounds like the type of accident we can help with. What happened
John Ryan:
A forklift driver pushed some pallets of a high shelf. I was standing the otherside and the pallet fell on me.
Were you also working at the place where the accident happened. Were you badly injured
John Ryan:
I was, yes, I was very badly injured.
It may be easier for you to provide the information we need by phone. Do you have a number I can call at a convenient time for yourself
John Ryan:
Not at the moment as I'm at work.
I could arrange for an evening call if that would be better, or we could manage over live chat
John Ryan:
I'm OK to speak over the chat
I need your address and date of birth. Where the accident happened, whether accident was recorded in accident book. What you injuries were/are and where you were treated. How you think the accident could have been avoided
John Ryan:
Unfortunatly I don't remember any of that information as my eyeballs popped out leaving me with rabbits in my teeth and cold toes.
Unfortunately that is not something we can help you with
John Ryan:
OK I'll try Disney Land. Thanks anyway.

Am I sad for doing this? Probably....

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